Sunday, January 12, 2025

OCARC January Meeting - January 16th 7pm

The January OCARC meeting will occur this coming Thursday January 16th at 7pm at the Orange County Community Foundation meeting room in the lower level of the Orange County Community Center next to the Orange County Fairgrounds and IU Health Paoli Hospital.

Topics for this months meeting

*A demonstration on VHF/UHF Hotspots, how to use them and what you can use them for.  IF you have a digital HT bring it to the meeting and try it out for yourself.

*Winter Field Day 2025.  We will finalize plans for Winter Field Day and will need to finalize a few things including
**How many Transmitters**
**How many people want to participate**
**Finalize the location of the event**
**Rigs, Antennas and feedline availability**
**How many hours do we want to participate**

*General update on the 2m repeater and discussion on the 70cm project
*further discussion on the ARRL Grant Award


February OCARC Meeting

 February Meeting Thursday, February 20, 2025 @ 7pm Orange County Community Foundation Meeting Room Paoli, IN